Sentech and Zilvertron are building together towards total solutions

Sentech and Zilvertron are building together towards total solutions

After years of successful collaboration, sensor specialist Sentech and drive technology company Zilvertron formalize their business relationship on May 1st. Their joint mission remains clear: offering customers complete solutions.

Synergy is the keyword in the strategic partnership between Sentech and Zilvertron: both strongly believe in the 1+1=3 principle of their collaboration. Combining their strengths allows them to better serve their customers with a wider range of motion solutions.  This is precisely what Marco Leeggangers, Sentech’s Chief Business Development Officer, has been hearing more frequently from the market:  'But of course, you don't want to collaborate with just anyone. It has to be a company with the same vision.' That's why the search for suitable partners began a few years ago. Smile Invest joined as a financially strong partner and, with its expertise in (international) growth, provides significant added value to Sentech's ambitions.

Shared Values

Now, Zilvertron joins, a specialist supplier of drive technology with engineering capacity, which, like Sentech, puts the customer first. And just like Sentech, it goes the extra mile in serving its customers, for example, when introducing a new product. Leeggangers: ‘We collaborate closely with our customers, brainstorming solutions together. We're not just a distributor pushing a box to the customer; we integrate the required technology ourselves with our own engineering department for seamless implementation. Zilvertron operates in the same way. That's why this is such a good match.'

Not only do their visions align: the expertise of Sentech and Zilvertron, namely sensors and drive technology, are both necessary for a good motion solution. In their new form, they will offer their customers fully integrated motion solutions.

No major changes

Readers fearing significant changes, rest assured: just as the customer has always been paramount for both Sentech and Zilvertron, it now is doubly so. From that perspective, the optimal details of this collaboration will naturally fall into place, explains René Jansen, director at Zilvertron: 'So, no new contracts, no new logos, names, or contacts, no hassle. But more possibilities.' Both companies retain their identities, forming a group as of May 1st through the acquisition of all Zilvertron shares.

Future outlook

So, no intense changes in store for the newly joined companies. But in terms of long-term vision, there are indeed big dreams: together, they want to continue growing into a total technology provider. A journey that, as far as they're concerned, will extend abroad.